Policy Committees


land use, taxation, labor and housing committee
chairwoman kara taddei

Meets second Monday of the month at 3:00 pm.

This committee reviews and recommends to the Board of Directors issues relating to current Land Use, Labor, Housing and Taxation issues in Napa County.


natural resources committee

Meets first Wednesday of the month at 4:00 pm.

This committee reviews and provides recommendations to the Board of Directors relating to current natural resources issues in Napa County.

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farm bureau political action committee - fund to protect napa valley agriculture

Meets Year-Round As Needed

This committee reviews and approves execution of political activity for the Fund To Protect Napa Valley Agriculture. This committee also reviews candidates for public office and makes public endorsement recommendations.

Napa County Farm Bureau CEO Ryan Klobas serves as PAC Chairman

The law firm Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk serves as legal counsel to the PAC.

To learn more about the Farm Bureau PAC, visit Farm Bureau Political Action Committee